You may have come to this site through a personal or professional referral, to find out about my therapy practice, or to learn more about why people choose hypnotherapy and NLP. I hope that you find the information helpful.
Why choose clinical hypnotherapy?
There are many reasons people come for therapy and in particular for hypnotherapy. First and foremost, you have a strong desire to make a positive change in your life. This could be reversing a long-standing unwanted habit (for example to stop smoking, nail-biting, binge-eating), choosing to overcome a fear or phobia (such as flying, bridges, spiders) or changing beliefs and perspectives which limit your everyday life (confidence, self-esteem, depression). More about hypnotherapy
People also seek help with debilitating physical conditions. These range from “psychosomatic illness” in which there is no apparent physical cause, to conditions which have an organic element, but where the mind and one’s beliefs can strongly influence the condition itself or one’s response to the condition. Many skin disorders, for example, are known to drastically improve with hypnotherapy because of the skin’s cellular link with the nervous system. Many have come for help with easing headaches, stress, sleeplessness, panic attacks, and much more. More about symptoms and treatments
Core philosophy:
My approach to therapy combines the most helpful elements from behavioural, cognitive and analytical psychology combined with hypnotherapy and NLP for effective results. At the core of this approach lies the principle of empowering the individual with proven and effective techniques. Because hypnotherapy works with both the conscious and the unconscious mind, every part of you works together. My therapeutic philosophy is goal-oriented and forward-looking rather than analytical in nature. But the most essential element is your will to make the change. This combination brings about positive and beneficial change.
Interested in knowing more? The following pages outline how hypnotherapy works, as well as some of the most common symptoms people present with and what can be done about them. Please refer to the contact page to book an appointment or for further information.
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