Qualified hypnotherapists and clinical hypnotherapy organisations in the United Kingdom

Peter Sergio Allegretti
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Specialising in changing habits, eliminate phobias, psychosomatic conditions
Tel: 07 913 448 804
Email: therapy@allegretti.net
web: www.allegretti.net |

Avy Joseph
City Minds
Specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy
Tel: 07 775 654-797
Email: avy.joseph@cityminds.com
web: www.cityminds.com |

Lisa Jackson
Quiet Medicine
Specialising in Hypnobirthing®, Fertility
Tel: 020 8655-2161
Email: quiet.medicine@googlemail.com
web: www.quiet-medicine.co.uk |

Battersea Yoga
Yoga and Clinical Hypnotherapy
Specialising in the treatment of stress and anxiety conditions
Tel: 020 7978 7995
Email: angus@batterseayoga.com
web: www.batterseayoga.com |

Sjanie Hugo
Calmer Centre
Specialising in Fertility, Natural Childbirth
Tel: 07 989 513-189
Email: hypnosis@calmercentre.com
web: www.hypnosisinfertility.com |

British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Tel: 01262 403-103
Email: sec@bsch.org.uk
web: www.bsch.org.uk |

London College of Clinical Hypnosis
Tel: 020 7486-3939
Email: info@lcch.co.uk
Web: www.lcch.co.uk |

Hypnotherapist Register
Web: www.hypnotherapistregister.com |
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